Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Too Tired To Blog

i'm way too tired to blog.

i'm way too tired because we worked for six hours today and packed up most of our kitchen and a lot of stuff in our bedroom, bathroom and hall closet.

i'm way too tired because we thoroughly cleaned out our car. (shh! don't tell my parents; they will be appalled and say it was unnecessary. i disagree.)

i'm way too tired because i am sick of making decisions. what goes on the moving truck? what do we need still in the next three days? what do we need in the next three weeks? what can we get rid of completely and where does it go -- to a friend? to valuvillage? to be recycled? is is just garbage? (yes!)

i'm way too tired because sam was exhausted from his day with auntie tasha so cried for about half an hour after he got home.

i'm way too tired because i am sick of using stuff (where "stuff" means "food") up. we had fish, freezer-burnt shrimp, old frozen veggies and a garden salad with too much dressing on it for supper. except dave and sam had caesar salad with croutons and parmesan cheese.

i'm way too tired because (understandably) rachel was a little needy after not seeing me for a lot of today.

i'm way too tired because rachel didn't sleep very well last night.

let's just say... i'm way too tired to blog.

(do you believe me?)

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