Saturday, November 24, 2012

Compare And Contrast (Alternate Title: What A Difference Three Days Makes)

On Wednesday it was 12C and sunny. Today it was -1C and snowy. Here is the difference in how our yard looked on those two days. Fortunately we had some warning it was going to get colder and snowy this weekend so we'd had a chance to do some yard cleanup, including emptying our rain barrel (which is why you see the hose in the flowerbed on Wednesday's picture).
These two sets of pictures were taken about 72 hours apart. And the forecast for the rest of the week looks like this:
Winter is here to stay.


  1. Whoa, crazy!! Although I'm going to have to go find a Celsius-Fahrenheit converter to truly appreciate these temperatures. :) I'm impressed enough by the snow, though!

  2. Time for some hot chocolate. : )

    1. Oh yes, hot chocolate and hot tea have been on the agenda for about a month now!

  3. The 30's.....(or the zeros in celcius :) I think I would die!! I complain when it is below 60 (F) :) I am jealous of the snow though. Stay warm!

    1. I am jealous of your warmth! I wish there was a way to have more moderate temperatures and still have snow.


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