Thursday, April 18, 2013

Our Ridiculous Weather

I would like to direct your attention to our weather for the next 48 hours. From thunderstorms to snow. Ridiculous, don't you think? No wonder I'm feeling a little stir-crazy, am not sure how to dress my kids (or myself for that matter) from moment to moment, and am wishing that I had a little stability in my life.
FYI, Environment Canada has updated their webpage and all you have to do is click on the little "F" underneath the current conditions temperature and the Celsius temperatures will be translated to ones which Americans will understand. Since I don't know many Canadians who are Fahrenheit fluent, I am assuming most of my American readers are not Celsius fluent :)

This post brought to you by my disbelief our our current forecast and the fact that I can't call Dave to complain/whine! Ha ha ha :)

And apparently this doesn't just happen "Only in Edmonton" as I claimed last year.


  1. Had a cold front blow through here this morning and I stupidly dressed both Davis and myself in shorts... oops! Spring is such a fickle season.

  2. Our weather has been crazy here too. Yesterday, my kiddos wore shorts. Last night, we were under tornado warning and the sirens in our town went off. Today, the kiddos had to wear coats!!! It's crazy!!!

    1. That sounds about as extreme as our weather. Crazy spring.


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