Monday, February 08, 2016

Project 366: Days 30 Through 36

January 30, 2016 -- The kids really enjoyed their closet sleepover and can't wait to have another one!
January 31, 2016 -- Every Sunday after church we pick up pizza for lunch. And if we have lunch plans, like we did this day, we eat it for supper.
February 1, 2016 -- As you may or may not remember, two weeks ago, we went in the sled to pick up some last minute supper ingredients. This day we tricycled/scootered. We've had a very unusual winter.
February 2, 2016 -- I needed a lot of tea this day and this is one of my favourite mugs.
February 3, 2016 -- It's been a weird winter, as I mentioned above, and I had to capture the fact that, on February 3, there was hardly any snow in our backyard and I was wearing running shoes to go for a walk.
February 4, 2016 -- Cheetos and orange juice made for a good snack as I was reading this night. Also: Read this book; it's very good.
February 5, 2016 -- Dave was babysitting for friends of ours so it was the kids and I on our own this night. Rachel made a birthday card for her friend, Sam got all his Valentine's cards addressed, and I cleaned two rooms. It was a nice evening.


  1. Love that mug and your Sunday pizza tradition! High fives!

  2. I loved Moonlight Over Paris too!!

  3. We've had such a weird winter too. It was predicted that we would have a ton of snow, but it's ended up being very mild and spring like. For now, I'll take it, but I'm worried about what it will mean this summer.


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