Monday, April 25, 2016

Project 366: Days 107 Through 113

April 16, 2016 -- We told the kids they could eat Cheetos if they ate a "good portion" of broccoli first. As you can clearly see, Sam earned his Cheetos!
April 17, 2016 -- The kids were in a crazy mood while I tried to get pictures of them this day.
April 18, 2016 -- This is just a taste of Rachel's home reading. She struggled with the word "sidewalk" and turned it into "savement" for "pavement." Sometimes I don't think she's reading as much as she is interpreting what is happening in the picture!
April 19, 2016 -- I spent about ten hours at work this day (in two separate chunks) and everything just got thrown on my desk at home. (Also, I was so exhausted this was the only picture I could think to take.)
April 20, 2016 -- Sam and I went to the grocery store to pick up snacks for the readathon. We were well supplied!
April 21, 2016 -- Rachel was very proud of this cube she made at school.
April 22, 2016 -- This was the seder plate on the first night of Passover at Dave's parents' house.


  1. The cube reminds me of a Curious George episode!

  2. Um, I wish I could get Evan to eat broccoli by rewarding him with Cheetos. Sigh. And I was hoping to get Brody more motivated to learn to read before he starts Kindergarten, but he is definitely a lot more difficult about it than Evan. He loves numbers and counting but does not want to focus on reading and letter recognition. Sigh. He loves to write and draw all day long and will write tons of letters from memory but won't tell you what the letters are. I hope his teachers have better ways to get him to focus. I love that you are still getting so much use out of the chariot even though the kids don't ride in it much anymore. :-)


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